A blog for discussions on media, political and cultural issues of South Asian and international significance

Monday, August 15, 2005

Is Islam a "Problem"?

There's been a lot of stuff happening on the listserv. First, there was a war on multiculturalism (how strange that sounds) which started with one assertion that multiculturalism would never work because strong cultures trump the weak, ergo the values of post-Enlightenment Christendom could never co-exist with the umma. Predictably this sparked a lot of outraged posting, at which point I referred to Naomi Klein's latest article in the Nation - Terror's Greatest Recruitment Tool. Klein's argument is that extremism is prompted not by Muslims, but by Western reactions to Muslims, which results in a fomenting of religious hatred in reaction to racism. Klein takes two test cases - Hussain Osman and Sayyid Qutb - to show that merely being Muslim was not what made them take to terror, the perceived (in Osman's case) and real (in Qutub's) mistreatment of fellow Muslims is also responsible for pushing people into extremism. In sum, Klein believes that the problem is "not too much multiculturalism but too little".

This led to an email which critiqued Klein's argument on the ground that Islam per se was the problem, not the treatment of Muslims by non-Muslims, and in order to prevent extremism, Islam necessarily had to change. There were two strands of responses to this -

a. American high-handedness, not some "problem" with Islam, was responsible for extremism (following from Arundati Roy's Come September article). I personally feel this goes too far, Roy does not offer a single word in condemnation of the violence adopted by Islamic extremists, she seems to believe that it's a perfectly natural consequence of Western treatment of the East. A corollary of this argument was that Indian Muslims did not commit acts of extremism in the West because Indian Muslims were not mistreated in a similar way as those who do commit acts of extremism.
b. A more moderate strand, the essence of which was that the problem is not with Islam per se, but with certain forms of Islam, and with some Muslims, not all of them. This is my response, which falls into the second category -

(Note - in a prior email, I argued that in order to say that Islam as a whole was a problem, one would need to show that there is something fundamental to Islam - i.e. in the Qu'ran or the Haadith-which could uncontroversially be regarded as promoting extremism. Where this was not demonstrated, one could not argue that all of Islam was extremist and fundamentalist. The counter was that in order to criticise a religion, how it was practised is all that mattered, not what the religious text said. A comparison was drawn between British Hindus and British Muslims to buttress the point that only Muslims take to extremism as a response measure, not others. I've tried to respond to this as well in what follows)

1. From what I gather, the Klein's point is that the reason some Muslims turn to terrorism is because of factors other than their religion, and its conflict with our supposed tolerance for persons of different faiths and cultures. The counterpoint appears to be that this is not so, because there are problems inherent in the way Islam is practised today which make it easy for terrorism to flourish in Islamic contexts.

2. Here is my first problem with the simplistic assessment in the counter-Klein position. Islam is not the world's first religion which has been used for extremism in its name. Much as we may like not to think about it, Hindus have had a pretty pathetic record of tolerance in the last half century (and even before that). British and American Hindus are large funders of Hindu extremist organisations, whose target is admittedly not the countries of the West, but fellow Indian citizens. Assuming that terrorists are not only Muslims who kill non-Muslims, and that financial and moral support for extremism is also extremism, Hindus have much to account for. Further, there is a large amount of support for Hindu extremist reactions to the perceived "Muslim problem" among Hindus (in India and elsewhere), and as Thariel points out, Lakshman Kadirgamar was assassinated by suspected Hindu extremists. Does this mean that Hinduism is a problem? Of course not, because any interpretation of Hindu texts and values which could be used to justify extremism would be an unquestioned perversion. A religion's significance cannot be separated from its core texts, though the texts of a religion may be misinterpreted by those hostile to the religion to criticise it. So it's perfectly valid to say there is a problem with "some Muslims", or with "extremist forms of Islam", but how can one say there is a problem with "Islam" without detailing what the problematic aspects of the Qu'ran and/or hadit are? Are peaceful Muslims followers of the Church of Scientology? Or is a secular Muslim a bad Muslim?

3. I would disagree with the assertion that no Indian muslim has carried out suicide bombings, or with the broader argument that Islamic extremism in India is absent, yet would use this to further Klein's argument. Most Indian muslims and the majority of Indian Muslim scholars, priests and leaders (like Muslims in Britain and America) condemn acts of terror committed by extremists in the name of Islam. Those who do take to extremism (or organised crime) in India are by and large socio-economically underprivileged youth for whom terrorism/crime is a real option of gaining things they would never else have access to. Political power-players (Hindus and Muslims) also provide tacit support to extremist elements and stand to gain by pulling out the terror card at the elections. Hence, the problem of extremism in India is not a problem of Islam, but a political problem. And given that India has more serious incidents of terrorism a year than Israel and Iraq combined, nowhere is the flaw with the "Islam as a problem" argument proved better.

4. A consequentialist point - even if one were to accept that those who argue that there exists a problem with Islam do not apply the same yardstick to all Muslims (I'm not even going into the legal fictions involved here because it would keep me awake for the next year), this lumping of Islam with genuine ideologies of terror(such as Fascism-an abhorrent analogy if I ever saw one) can be abused by others without such pure motives as a mask for Islamophobia (even perhaps racism). By giving currency to a spurious claim (i.e that all forms of Islam are problematic), we run the risk of validating several other evils in the name of confronting the aforesaid (false) problem.

The long and short of it was that in order to prove that most Muslims are potential extremists, or that all forms of Islam facilitate extremism, one would have to show that there was something fundamental to Islam, or something common to most Muslims. This was not done on the listserv, can it ever be done?


PS. Robert Pape, Professor of Politics at Chicago University, argues here that the Al Qaeda's acts of extremism are "less a product of Islamic fundamentalism than of a simple strategic goal: to compel the United States and its Western allies to withdraw combat forces from the Arabian Peninsula and other Muslim countries."

PPS. This pretty much blew away the blissful apolitical euphoria I've been feeling for the past couple of weeks. All good things must end, I suppose...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excerpts from the forthcoming book "Persistence of Memory" by Kirtiraj Kumar, a two book package:

“The Indian Muslim elite look forward to the existence of an equally strong and domineering Pakistan in India’s neighbourhood as it gives them an added prestige that they belong to the same faith as is professed in Pakistan. The Indian intelligentsia and a section of its media instinctively realise this and gratify this sub-national sentiment to the extent that they are wary of criticising Pakistan too strongly lest it annoy this section of resident non-Indians whose feet are in India but their hearts are in Pakistan.
“A rabid leader like Mohammed Ali went to the extent of saying that he was praying for the day when he would convert Gandhiji to Islam. He may not have seen his dream come true but to Gandhi’s utter consternation, he had lived and agonised over seeing one of his sons falling to Islam during his lifetime.
“This same mindset would continue to be reinforced into those who had stayed back after the country was partitioned on communal lines for a separate homeland for the Indian Muslims. In fact, the more daring ones had stayed back in India for carving out greater dividends later while persuading the fainthearted ones to migrate to Pakistan. The Indian Muslims were led to believe by their leadership that they could not peacefully coexist with the Hindu where the Hindu would substantially now be the ruler after the British had left,” said Brojo taking a sip from the cup of tea before him. “Don’t forget, that they had been ruling India for centuries before the British eased them out of power.”
“Wasn’t there talk of a population exchange to prevent similar misadventures in the future? The Punjab had ensured it in toto,” stated Satnam.
“Quite right. That’s why you have no communal riots in that state. In fact, Babasaheb Ambedkar had propounded this excellent and permanent solution, as the deadly virus of communal riots was getting more frequent. On the 25th of November 1946, Jinnah had also restated the same solution. Swami Shraddhanand, who was a favourite with the Muslims during the Khilafat days, was stabbed to death in Delhi by a Muslim youth as he was in the ‘shuddhi’- the home coming movement- that involved reconversion of Muslims to Hinduism”.
“Excepting for Malerkotla, the population swap was near complete in the Punjab,” said Satnam. “Why, you don’t have any communal riots in the Kashmir valley either. It has been ethnically sanitised of all Hindus. But now they are killing each other there in hundreds every year in the name of jihad.”
“That’s right,” said Brojo. “It was during the reign of Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb, the favourite historical character of the Apologists. The Nawab (Governor) of Malerkotla, Sher Mohammad Khan had refused to entomb alive the two little sons of Guru Govind Singh, Fateh Singh and Zorawar Singh aged six and eight, when asked to do so by Wazir Khan the Nawab of Sirhind for avenging his brother’s death earlier at the hands of Guru Govind Singh in battle. The Sikhs never forgot a noble gesture. When the rest of the undivided Punjab was in flames not a single instance of violence took place in Malerkotla in 1947. All its 500 Muslim families were safe. ”
“But those little boys were buried alive?” asked Avi incredulously.
“Well, they were bricked up actually after a fatwa (judgement) from the Quazi of the Wazir Khan’s court,” Brojo replied. “That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons that history has to teach Aldous Huxley says in his A Case of Voluntary Ignorance.”
“It was a standard punishment taken out from the Koran for seditious activities against any Islamic state,” added Satnam.
“Shucks! India was then a Islamic state with a Hindu majority population?” Avi exclaimed.
“Pardner, one man with courage comprises the majority. Here we are dealing with a multitude of cowards who are still in the bulk”, Brojo shot back. “In a secular state like India, only the minorities count. In the state of Jammu and Kashmir, only the majority community counts. And India officially became a secular country only in 1976 with the 42nd Amendment of the Constitution and it will remain so till such time the second majority becomes the full majority. Like our two colluding neighbours who are labouring hard so that we follow their footsteps in becoming a theocratic Islamic state soon.”
“But why was population exchange not pursued despite a great personality like Dr. Ambedkar urging it?” asked Avi. “I am sure it would not have been the first time in history.”
“Not at all. A population exchange had taken place between Greece and Turkey following the Treaty of Lausane in 1923. But you don’t know our culturally and sociologically European Surrogates. They wanted an India with a composite culture, a misnomer used as a camouflage for vote-bank politics. With a prolific constituent of that mish-mash growing like a cancerous cell, eating up all its neighbouring diverse cells till the whole becomes one obnoxious homogenised cancerous tumour. The monolithic Muslim community would vote as a single block, but the schizophrenic Hindu would remain fragmented on caste and linguistic lines. That’s Indian secularism for you.”
“Yet, in their decades old rule in India the Surrogates never ever did anything for the religion obsessed Muslims, whose leaders were happy with their right to have four wives at a time on the one hand and not have their hands chopped off if caught stealing as per Islamic law on the other. An opportunistic amalgam of the Shariat and the Indian Penal Code, overriding all secular logic,” said Avi.
“They refuse to integrate citing religious compulsions. When religion descends to this level it ought to be called a cult,” said Satnam.
“We do not wish to sacrifice any of our culture any longer in the name of a faceless misnomer called composite culture- the culture of the nowhere. We cherish our sense of history, our social solidarity and our traditional tolerant, civilized values of which Hindus have always demonstrated,” said Avi.
“Ambedkar was a giant among intellectuals; unlike Gandhiji he knew how the Muslim mind operated. Despite the pain and humiliation he had constantly faced in the hands of hide bound higher caste Hindus, even at the pinnacle of his utter frustration of being turned away by his own community, he along with many of his followers had turned to Buddhism rather than embrace Islam or for that matter Christianity. He had avoided the path of least resistance that had been taken by many before and after him,” Brojo said and lit another cigarette with the still glowing butt of the earlier one. “A secret active implementation plan of the Muslim League had started in Lahore and Amritsar. It was followed immediately by large scale ethnic cleansing, dubbed ‘purification’, of the rural areas of Rawalpindi division. This was allegedly at the incitation of a top British bureaucrat’s advice to Jinnah to get rid of Sikhs and Hindus from Western Punjab if he wanted to ensure the smooth passage to a Muslim homeland being carved out of India. This advice was faithfully implemented by the British themselves every where, starting from the Viceroy Lord Wavell downwards to the Deputy Commissioners and Police bosses who refused to curb communal riots under orders in order to ensure their own safety when they withdrew from India. This is clear from Wavell’s Viceroy’s Journal edited by Sir Penderel Moon, the author of Divide and Quit on the British policy of divide and rule”.
“The Indian brand of secularism runs on similar lines,” said Satnam.
“Yes. This brand of secularism that has been adopted by the Surrogates from the British encourages a general environment of ambivalence in place of a deliberate and conscious integration into India’s or British multiculturalism,” said Brojo.
“I am pretty sure both Britain and India will be paying a heavy price for such foolhardiness,” said Satnam.
“The so-called multiculturalism always granted supremacy to a differentiated identity over the unification of the polity as citizens of a common peaceful society that was above race or religion, be it in India or in England. As a result today, the moderates of the faith in question feel helpless as this very separate identity, the cult of the visible minority expressed in the form of the Hijab, the shape of the beard, the public display of an overt separateness with religious overtones, the white skull cap et al, equates them with those swearing by Al Qaeda. Can you blame the rest of us if we hold the whole community under suspicion?” said Brojo.
“Yet the British seem to have a soft corner for the Muslims,” said Avi.
“There are historical reasons for it. Firstly, they are shit scared of the Muslims ever since Salauddin thrashed them during the Crusades. Secondly, they are of the same Semitic stock or the people of the Book. Next, they have a brainwashed extreme dislike for idolaters like the Hindus. Thereafter, the British who were essentially empire builders, first through the Christian Missionaries acting like the Indian Army’s Pioneer Company in setting up base camps, followed by gunboat diplomacy that brought in people like Robert Clive to lay the foundation stone for the empire through commerce. Both the Kashmir and Palestinian problems are creations of the British. In both these places, the Muslims are at war with the original peoples- the Jews in the Middle East and Hindus in India. Had it not been for the powerful Jewish lobby in America, the USA like the British earlier would have sided with the Palestinians against the Jews just as they support Pakistan against India.”
“But isn’t it due to the much touted British sense of fair play as we were taught in school by our Church of England teachers?” Avi asked.
“Rubbish! See what they have been doing to the Irish for over ten centuries. And they are lecturing us on how we should handle our Kashmir issue which they had kindled in the first place,” said an excited Brojo. Blowing a ring of cigarette smoke at the ceiling he continued, “It is against a background of ethnic cleansing that the Muslim League Council had met on July 29, 1946. Among other things, Jinnah got the Working Committee to launch “Direct Action” day to achieving Pakistan and “to organize the Muslims for the coming struggle to be launched as and when necessary”. The 16th of August was that day.
“Feroze Khan Noon while addressing the League had said, ‘The havoc that the Muslims would play would put to shame what Changez Khan and Halaku did.” Thereafter, full-scale preparations started. The civilized British rulers looked on as amused spectators to the horrors that got underway.
“The then Chief Minister of Bengal, Saheed Surahwardy, was a shrewd, unscrupulous and ruthless person. He declared 16th August a public holiday. He personally saw to it that Muslim marauders were mobilized and supplied with firearms and lethal arms. Arrangements were made for their quick transportation to cause damage to a wide area as possible.
“A little background to the villain of the day, whom the Apologists worship until today is necessary. Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy was born on September 8, 1892 into an illustrious Muslim family from Medinipur in West Bengal, India. Suhrawardy's mother was the first Muslim woman to pass the Senior Cambridge examination conducted from London. It just goes to show that it is not mandatory to be a product of madarsas to think and act like one.”
“Nor did Osama bin Laden,” said Satnam.
“Right you are. Suhrawardy graduated with honours in Science from St. Xavier’s College, my Alma Mater. In 1913, he obtained masters degree in Arabic from Calcutta University. Surahwardy received his BCL degree from Oxford University and was called to the Bar from Grey's Inn, London in 1918. Despite such a wide liberal education and broad-minded family background, this ‘suited-booted’ clean shaven barrister in the Jinnah mould, could never overcome the common failing of his religious prejudice against the Hindus, a failing he shared in full measure even with the most backward and illiterate of his community.”
“But wasn’t the ever yielding Hindu responsible for making himself appear as an easy target? Like the predatory tiger that finds the herbivorous deer to be its natural prey while it leaves another herbivore the elephant very much alone. I mean the Sikhs in Calcutta had never felt any such threat from the Muslims. In fact, my father and uncles tell me that it is the Sikhs who had on many occasions saved the non-Sikh Hindus by wielding the sword during the communal riots,” said Satnam.
“Quite right. In fact, I even heard a story on these lines and I don’t know if it is true. After several such riots when the Sikhs found that the Bengali Hindus never learnt any lessons from the frequent bloodlettings, they stayed aloof from the next Hindu-Muslim riot that soon broke out. Seeing that the fierce Sikhs were not involving themselves in the latest jihad, the emboldened Muslims stepped up their ‘holy war’ against the hapless Hindus.
“But the clever Bengali soon found a way to self-survival in an environment where no government machinery would come to his rescue. He had to fend for himself. A few of the bold ones disguised themselves as Muslims, with false beards, wearing lungis and white scull caps kidnapped a few Sikh women from Bhowanipur area of Calcutta, from households where their men folk were out on work. The rumour soon spread amongst the Sikhs that Muslims had kidnapped many Sikh women and had kept them confined in Park Circus area where Surahwardy stayed. The Sikh to whom making the supreme sacrifice was as compulsive as fish eating was to the Bengali was soon in the thick of things. By evening, the tide had again turned against the government backed riot prone segment of the population and they were soon on the run. They were bewildered at the ferocity of the Sikh on this occasion after they had stayed at a distance in disgust a short while ago,” Brojo finished amongst laughter from Avi and Satnam.
“But what happened to the women who had been kidnapped by the Hindus?” asked Avi.
“The same evening after sunset, the women were escorted back to their houses by their kidnappers. But this time they had taken off their false beards and lungis. They came clean on what they had done as a strategy to involve the Sikh men in the ongoing clash. The Sikh women affirmed the story saying that they had been cared for like mothers and daughters by the family members of those who had kidnapped them. As the jihadis were now at the receiving end, the government swung into action and soon normalcy was restored,” said Satnam shaking with laughter.
“But we have digressed. In 1921, Surahwardy had been elected to the Bengal Legislative assembly. For a brief period, he served as secretary, Calcutta Khilafat Committee. In 1923, he was appointed deputy leader of the Swaraj Party. Next year he was elected deputy mayor of Calcutta. In 1936, he became the General Secretary of the Bengal Provincial Muslim League. After the 1937 elections, Surahwardy was appointed Minister for Labour and Commerce. After serving briefly in the Fazlul Haq ministry, he joined Khawaja Nizamuddin's ministry in 1943 as Civil Supplies Minister.
“After the 1946 elections, Surahwardy formed the government in Bengal, the only Muslim League government in the Sub-continent then. In 1949, he formed East Pakistan Awami Muslim League, which in 1953 he renamed as the 'Awami League', the party that flourishes in Bangladesh today.
“Surahwardy along with A. K. Fazlul Haq and Maulana Bhasani had established the United Front in 1953 in Dhaka, which won the 1954 general elections. The same year he joined Muhammad Ali Bogra's ministry as Law Minister. However, with the change of government in 1955, Surahwardy took charge as leader of the opposition. H. S. Surahwardy became the fifth Prime Minister of Pakistan on September 12, 1956.”
“Why don’t you write all this in the newspapers so that many of us can profit from all these nuggets of history?” asked Avi.
“Tokey aar ki bolbo? (How do I explain it?) The prophets, spelt p-r-o-f-i-t, of secularism, simply do not publish what I send to them. Instead, they flood their columns with just the opposite of what I had to say. As if the reading public only wants to read the garbage they print. I am quite sure the LTTE cadres must themselves be releasing letters written by themselves under false names in order to create a wide public opinion promoting their line of thinking. Freedom of the press they call it-nothing about freedom by the press.”
“What has the Tamil Tigers got to do with all this?” asked Avi.
“It stands for those who manipulate the Letters To The Editor column in all the newspapers,” replied Brojo.
“Yet, the daily opinion poll results posted on the front pages of their newspapers bear out the fact that the majority of their readers express an opinion that runs counter to the editorial line that has been foisted on them. But you’ve got to be heard by a wider audience, Brojoda. You can’t just let go without a fight,” urged Avi.
“Dara, dara (hold on, hold on). I am writing a book where I will put down whatever I have to say. No bloody LTTE brood there!”
“When will it be out, Brojoda?” asked Satnam with a little impatience.
“Hopefully, very soon. But first I will have to find a foreign publisher as the Indian government will ban the book immediately on its publication the moment Shahabuddin Ghori and his fanatics take to the streets as they did in the case of The Satanic Verses, even before reading the book,” Brojo said standing up and stretching. “You kids run along. I will narrate the real horrific stuff at our next session. I hope you guys are not bored stiff at my diatribe.”
“Its fascinating. I mean with our doctored history and a premium on politically correct conduct, our generation may never ever know our past that so strongly influences our present and future,” said Avi.
“The hypocrites from the Left are responsible for all this mess. Consider their slogan: ‘Revolution is the festival of the masses/Election is the festival of the asses.’
“They abuse the parliamentary form of democracy but come election time and they are ahead of all the others in manipulating the system to their advantage. They are like Pakistan that had been supplying oxygen to the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. The day the Americans arm-twisted the bloody Pakis to withdraw their blatant support, these dens of iniquity just folded up in no time. The Apologists are the real enemies of India. The day they cease to exist, the wolves now creating havoc all over our subcontinent would turn into mice in no time, like they had done for a short while immediately after the Partition,” said Brojo picking up his notebook from where he had been at times reading.
“But the cream of the Taliban and Al Qaeda are not finished as yet,” said Satnam pushing his chair back and standing up.
“That’s right. They are all guests of the Pakistan government and America knows it. The Yanks want to hang on in Pakistan as long as they can to keep a firm grip on Afghanistan through which they wish to pipe gas and oil from the CIS countries. The terrorists they would like to be pushed into India and Russia via Chechnya and further into Europe. No warmonger ever wants peace- at least not in client states that buy weapons of mass destruction from him. They even extend them soft loans for these massive purchases destruction whilst concurrently sermonising them on the virtues of good neighbourly conduct!” Brojo said picking up the bill.

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